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10 Awesome Linux Applications for Your PlayStation 3

Robag's picture

So you’ve installed that shiny Ubuntu distro onto your PlayStation 3 and finagled a couple of cool applications to boot. And yet, there’s still a lot of empty real estate on that newly formatted hard drive, and you’re no doubt pondering what else you can load up on your now living room-friendly PC. Turns out, there are literally thousands of options available; but the task of sorting through the seemingly endless lists and testing each and every app to see if it suits your tastes and jives with the PS3 can be a daunting task. But luckily for you, we’ve done exactly that; we rolled up our sleeves, burned the midnight oil, and muscled the necessary digital elbow grease to whittle down the Ubuntu archives to the top 10 absolute keepers. So what are you waiting for? Plug in your PS3’s keyboard and mouse, fire up Jaunty Jackalope, and read onward to get cracking.

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Hashy's picture

Linux on MY PS3..

To start with, Linux on PS3, GREAT FKIN IDEA! In practice, its abit of a hassle. I had issues installing, followed the directions as best I could, I even figured my way past the directions blatant mistakes as best I could, but there were issues I think with it booting up into the OS.. I had it installed, done, “ready to go”, but it for some reason wouldnt boot up into the OS, bashed my head against the “linux” console for awhile, till my bro helped out with it abit, which still didn’t fix it, but it showed me that it wasn’t really just I had messed anything up.
Now something all the Linux advocated for the PS3 will stress is, it won’t, it has no chance of fucking up your system. I believed them too, until I had tried the whole procedure, and after giving up having to formatt again and reinstall everything, and sticking back with the normal PS3 XMB “OS”, ive found the system just a bit more prone to crashing, then it was before, and in places where it just hadn’t crashed before. But a true thing is, if there’s the small chance of things going wrong with things, that donot usually happen to most people, then it WILL happen to me! =p
Linux on the PS3 is a great idea, I want it to be on there, I just gotta get whatever issues straightened out, and they love to claim that their software is ready to go for all, which sadly is not true, but it is close.
One thing about Linux on the PS3 tho is that, it does not access all of the consoles processors.. I think it has, 2 main “cell” processors or whatever theyre called, then it has maybe, 3 other smaller types of processors? Well I think, from memory, the Linux OS’ can only access and use the potential of like, 1 Cell Broadband at a time, and 2 of the others. So you wont get the consoles best possible performance, therefore, newer games that could run on that Linux install, they wont have access to the necessary resources to compose.

But to be able to have your linux stuff on there, and bloody documents too, which shiv’s me about XMB, is that you cant run or read any types of documents, and not wanting to have to convert text files or PDF pages to JPEG images, linux will give you OpenOffice, and PDF reading capability. It opens up the consoles potential again so much more, then the self restricting m0rons at S0ny are willing to do. The base list of the PS3’s compatibility for formatts is supposed to be pretty good, assumingly, but when I did look at it, its got too many holes, holes that Linux plugs.

I recommend it, I just stress that the Linux PS3 users/advocates will themselves stress that it cannot do any harm to your console whatsoever, which isn’t true. It also does not access the consoles full processing power, those are my only 2 real big issues with Linux on the PS3 so far, and given time and development, and abit of leeway from the Sony (wannabe) cats, those issues can be resolved.

Get a PS3, and open it up with LINUX! =)

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